Do you know about hand fish that walks on sea floor wildlife news

Do you know about hand fish that walks on sea floor wildlife news

Weird Creature On Earth: We do not know about all the facts related to the earth on which we live. Especially if we talk about the creatures living inside the water, then we recognize very few animal species. That’s why if we see a different type of creature, we often make the mistake of calling it an alien. Today we will tell you about one such creature.

This creature has been seen on the island of Tasmania, Australia, which is a fish. In appearance, its structure is exactly like that of common fishes, but its basic quality is that it cannot swim like common fishes. Since the number of this creature is very less left in the world, programs for its conservation are also going on. You have rarely heard about this fish before, which does not swim.

takes over the work of hands with wings
An initiative has been taken by the University of Tasmania to conserve this fish named Handfish. It has been told that these fishes come from such a species, whose hands are very big and they take the work of moving forward with them. A total of 14 handfish species are present in South Australia. Their living space is ending and due to climate change, their number is decreasing.

looks like a painting
These fishes not only do wonders with their hands, but they are quite different in appearance as well. They are seen in purple, red, pink colors and can be easily identified. Their front wings look like hands. Since they cannot swim, they live at the bottom of the sea and do their hunting by walking here. There are small insects as their prey, due to which their stomach is filled.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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